Apparently there has been a major storm brewing up in Liberia concerning adoptions. WACSN is an organization that has been highly investigated by the Gov. Of Liberia. They had been told to suspend all activity concerning adoptions in January and since has released 3 children to parents in the US. They are believed to have connections in the government and pay to have children released...hence the child trafficking. Apparently there are US parents over there right now trying to persuade to bring their children home illegally. This just makes me sick! After all the right we are trying to do and waiting to do it the right way and ignorant people try to use their power and make the wait longer for us's so frustrating! And they don't get the point that it's ILLEGAL!!!
You can read the clips to see details of what ensued the last few days. Long story short...Police went in to invaid the property and remove 37 children and return them to their homes and were stopped after fighting and words were shared. Government officials showed up (obviously the dirty ones) to stop the police. The police left without any children. Later in the week several government officials (the good ones) returned with police force and removed 36 children from the WACSN facility and placed them in another orphanage. Apparently the children were happy to leave???
I don't know what this means for us. It could mean we are headed in the direction of getting this all figured out, or it could mean that they just made the wait longer for all of us.
Please please pray! We just want our babies home! We wait for good news every day and we get this. I just want it all to end soon! The roller coaster is draining.
This is a clip from a newspaper article in Liberia over what has happened the last few weeks...
Newspaper Summary
36 Children Held Hostage - Rescue Ends in Fracas, Says Local Daily
(New Democrat)
o [SIC] The New Democrat newspaper reports that 36 children between the ages
of 3 to 7 are virtually held hostage at an orphanage on the Old Road run by
the West African Support Community Network (WASCN). An attempt by the Save
the Children-Liberia Department of Social Welfare and the Don Bosco Homes to
rescue the children was met with stiff resistance and threats of violence
allegedly with the support of some top government officials. In an interview,
Dominic Fratz of Save the Children-Liberia said he was shocked to see the high
level of political intervention in a case that involves the safety of children.
He said they were ordered to intervene because WACSN was acting against the
law. Ms. Lydia Sherman, Senior Coordinator of the Social Services at the
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare who headed the team expressed
disappointment over the incident and said the children will=2 0be rescued at all cost. The
group was banned in January by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare
from engaging in inter-country adoption of Liberian children after it tried to
send three children to the United States without proper documentation.
and a few days later...
Police re-inforcement at the WACSN Home on the Old Road in Sinkor
Photo by Lucky Buckay
Gov't Takes over WACSN âEUR~OrphansâEURTM
WACSN Operator to Face the Law
Published: 27 March, 2009
MONROVIA,At least 37 children who had been kept at a home on Old Road by
West African Children Support Network (WACSN) were removed by the Liberia
National Police (LNP) Thursday on orders of the Ministry of Health (MOH) which
found the group operating WACSN allegedly engaged in child trafficking.
  Community people told this paper that a team of MOH officials and a few
police officers were seen first entering the fenced-in house to take away
the children, many of them between six and seven years. Eyewitnesses added that
WACSN guards put up stiff resistance and that it took additional police
re-enforcement to have the gatemen removed and the house invaded.
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