I've had a change of perspective. Hopefully I'll be finding my way out of my spiritual funk, and maybe some of you who read my blog will be following? Who knows what my (God's) words speak.
I was asked to do the jr. high group this Sunday as Tom will be out of town. We are studying this book, "It's Not About Me" by Max Lucado. I read it through completely about 3 months ago but, sorry Tom if you're reading this..., haven't picked it back up since then :) Anyway, this week I was forced to study it again, and I realize now that God had something to say to me, really something to remind me.
Since coming back from Liberia, I guess, I've been in a 'funk' you could say. I haven't wanted to do quiet time with God, ok...let me be honest here...I haven't picked up my bible, (with the exception of church and bible study, when we have met) since being back almost 6 months ago. The only time I pray is at night with Colten (cause I have to set a good example) and at dinner time. Even then, it's not really talking to God, It's a 'must do' kinda thing. I'd get frustrated cause I don't like being this way, but had no real reason to fix it, and no drive to get out of it.
I read a chapter titled: "My Struggles Are About Him". Let me tell you some of the things that stuck out to me...
1. A faithful missionary and his wife were kidnapped and while an attempt to rescue them the husband was shot and died, the wife shot in the leg and left a widow with children to raise, a quote in the book stuck out to me, "Is this how God honors his chosen?" Through our journey, I've had the mentality that I'm doing this for God shouldn't we get an extra dose of "God favor" on our journey?
2. Psalms 103:8-11)
"God is sheer mercy and grace; not easily angered, he's rich in love. He doesn't endlessly nag and scold, nor hold grudges forever. He doesn't treat us as our sins deserve, nor pay us back in fulll for our wrongs. As high as heaven is over the earth, so strong is his love to those who fear him.
3. Your pain has a purpose. Your problems, struggles, heartaches, and hassles cooperate toward one end-the glory of God.
Pslam 50:15
"Trust me in your times of trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory."
4. Speaking of the 'cards' you've been dealt by God to reveal his glory, a conversation that might have taken place while God was creating...
"Mary, be a mother to my son."
"Peter, you'll be my first preacher"
"Matthew, the first gospel? It's all your's?"
The God turns to another man, "And You?"
"Yes, Lord?"
"You'll be blind for my glory."
"I'll be blind?"
"For Your glory?"
"But I don't understand?"
"You'll see"
I don't understand the 'cards' God has dealt me lately, but I am reminded it is for a purpose, for his Glory, and I've forgotten that simple fact that I'm not my own, I exist to bring Glory to Him, ALL OF ME, even my struggles.
I first created this blog so I could let God's light shine through our journey and hopefully through our amazing journey people would be drawn to him. This blog was supposed to be a means for you to see that light and I'm sad to say it hasn't been lately.
My favorite quote of all from this chapter reminded me of something I heard at a conference at one time.
Here's the quote from the book, POWERFUL!
This quote reminded me of the beauty of a mosaic. What is a mosaic???
"Broken pieces that form a picture (my life, and yours), but when the light (Jesus) shines through, it is beautiful and people are drawn to it."
We are all a work of art, a beautiful mosaic being formed for God's Glory.
May His light shine through me till this journey comes to an end.