Look How Old I Am

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Happy 1st birthday Marie!!!! Can't wait to bring you home and celebrate!!! You big brother Colten is dreaming about you tonight and said he's going to dream about flying to Liberia and bringing you some pink and purple balloons. We love you and can't wait till we get to come see you again :)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Praises and Prayer Requests...

Since Matt never writes on our blog I figured I'd cheat the system a little bit and use his words without him knowing it :) He sent out an email today that was very to the point and a good update so I thought I'd post it here...

Praise 1:
Onah and Marie are both doing well. Onah is officially walking (which we kinda knew) and Marie will turn one on August 19th!

Praise 2:
We received word last week from our adoption agency that Hillary Clinton would be meeting with the Liberian President. The AFAA families wrote/faxed letters to Clinton asking her to talk about adoptions while in her meeting. This topic was not on her agenda.

This morning we found out that her office has received all the letters and has given Mrs. Clinton several talking points to discuss adoptions with Liberian President Ellen Sirleaf. BIG PRAISE!!!!

Praise 3:
God is allowing us to be a part of this journey with Him. I was reminded last night at a Mercy Me/Jeremy Camp concert that everything we do is for and about God's glory. We began this journey desiring a closer walk with our Creator and that is exactly what we have gotten. Today and tomorrow will be an even closer walk with Him!!! You are a part of this journey with us!

Prayer 1:
All the people of Liberia!
The Malaria/Wet Season will be drawing to a close soon. The people of Liberia (all of them) could use our prayers for clean water, protection from the elements, food, peace, provision for basic needs. They can also use your prayers that more churches will come alongside us and be a part of the Amazing 80 project!

Prayer 2:
Pray for Hillary Clinton's meeting. We are specifically praying that God will move the Liberian President to open adoptions for all trusted and approved agencies while the other agencies and government workers are investigated. This will allow all the children we have met to come home while openning up spots for other children on the Liberian streets to find hope. We see this as a really big meeting!

Prayer 3:
Pray for Terah and I to give God praise no matter how long we weather the storm! This is not about us and two babies. It is about showing the people around us that God is still on His throne and that He is a mountain mover!!! It's about us learning to trust Him with everything (EVERYTHING) that we are and have!

I can't get the lyrics to one of the songs we heard last night out of my head. Jeremy Camp was talking about all the trials we go through in life. He shared about his wife dying of cancer and how that broken road prepared the way for him to glorify God in a bigger way. I couldn't help but thing about how our journey is preparing us...

"I will walk by faith, even when I cannot see. Well, becuase this broken road, prepares your will for me."

Thanks for lifting these praises and prayers to God! We know that HE is the only one in control!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Pray for Clinton's Visit

Hillary Clinton leaves on the 5th to make a trip to Africa. During her trip she will be visiting Liberia to speak with the president there. We have faxed her as well as the group going along with her, a letter about our adoption and the hold that we are under right now. We also have sent letters to our congressmen to see if there is anything they are able to do.
We made it clear to Clinton that we understand and support why the adoptions are on hold in Liberia, but we have been told several times, personally at one point while there and speaking with government officials, that the government has no problems with our agency and they are not under observation here. (Matter of fact, the government of Liberia continues to place orphaned children that THEY find in our AFAA house.) We have asked Clinton to speak on our behalf as to why adoptions could not be allowed through our agency if there's no problem with them. Also, to help her understand that the longer they take to pass this bill the more children will ultimately suffer because they aren't being given the chance to a new life whatsoever. The children currently being adopted need to move out so that other children who desperately need a home and care can move in.
Please join us in prayer that Clinton will hear our plea and speak to the president about this issue, and that the president will gain understanding from our side and try to hurry up this LONG AND DRAWN OUT process. God is still moving though I cannot see his hand or the outcome! He has a plan, and I trust it.


Adoption is when a child grows in it's mommy's heart instead of her tummy