Look How Old I Am

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Merry Christmas Onah and Marie

I heard this song today and it instantly brought tears to my eyes. Thinking of not having our family together yet another Christmas breaks my heart. I pray God holds them extra tight as we celebrate together this Christmas season without them...so tight they can feel our love a world away. I love how music can put into words your exact feelings. Pause the music player at the bottom first before listening to this song.

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Saturday, December 5, 2009


I had a funny story to add quickly....
Colten and I were looking at Onah and Marie's new pictures yesterday. He says, "Mom, can't you just go over there and say, "Please...pretty please...with candy and cool stuff on top?" I had to laugh out loud. If only it were that easy!post divider tag

Friday, December 4, 2009

A Sleeping Beauty and Handsome Boy

Recently a woman traveled to Liberia to escort home 3 children to their forever family and was denied visas for the children. The situation still remains the same as the US Embassy is slowing down the process of children coming home. Steven Harper says he intends on going through and interview process with each and every case concerning the bio. relatives. The Liberian government sees no need for this since this is the exact proceedure that the Liberian ministry of Health will do in each case. Its just another snag and hold up in the adoption process. Many families are very frustrated with our government as they have told us all along when the time comes that they can help (meaning when things open up again) they will support and do all they can for us. That has yet to happen as it is now our government holding up the process and saying there's nothing they can do concerning our government. So basically...there was nothing they could do with the Liberian government and there is nothing they can do with OUR government. Don't buy it!
While Karen was there she took some pics of our sweeties and passed them along to us. Here are some new pics of Onah and Marie.
Onah is 19 months old now. Colten took one look at this picture and said, "He's big enough to sleep in the bunk bed!" Ha! I can tell by the look on Onah's face in this pic that he's still not so sure of white people. Looks like he's found a buddy with Matthew! We did tell Matthew and Theo (another boy in the house) that we were glad Onah and Marie had such wonderful boys keeping and eye out for them ;) He's such a sweet boy!
Ok, so next Colten sees this pic and says, "eehh, she's still little." She might be little but I know one of these days she's gonna go on her first date and he's gonna be so protective of her! :) She's gonna have him wrapped around her little finger! Marie is 15 months old now.


Adoption is when a child grows in it's mommy's heart instead of her tummy