Look How Old I Am

Friday, November 14, 2008


We have a HUGE praise!!! As you can see the thermometer went up a little bit since the beginning. YEAH! Every little bit is a blessing and we know God will continue it. We are now paying for foster care for both babies which is $225 a month per child. So we decided to sell some stuff since we haven't heard anything from our grants. In one day!!!!...Matt sold his motorcycle and a tool (don't ask me what one??? CLUELESS) that totaled $720 bucks! Plus, some friends of ours wanted to be apart of bringing our babies home and helped out. We had a payment due of $450. this month and God supplied us with $900!!! Enough to pay for not just one month but 2!!! HOW AWESOME IS THAT????!!!! God is faithful and will provide for our family! I know he's going to bring a downpour of blessings and I'm so glad I get to share with all of you how mighty He is through it all!

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Adoption is when a child grows in it's mommy's heart instead of her tummy