He covered up with it which led to a discussion of, "what will happen if Marie's blankie is being washed and she has to take a nap?" So I told him that he'd have to be a good big brother and tell her it was okay and mommy washes his blanket all the time and he always gets it back and it smells so good! That seemed to end the discussion with a huge smile and he went to sleep. When he woke up he came downstairs and said the sweetest thing! He said, "Mommy I slept with Marie for my nap today. I snuggled her the whole time! And she didn't cry!"
That night he found a little black baby doll that Sam had found at a yard sale. He said it looked like Marie. He covered her up and slept with her that night. Now every night he sleeps with that baby doll and says he is going to snuggle Marie, Onah, and God. Quite the crowded bed! He prayed that God would help Sam find his an Onah baby...we'll see if that one gets answered :) He's going to be such a good big brother!!!!
I snuck this picture while he was sleeping the other night.
In other news...4 more weeks and 5 days till we leave for Liberia! We had a team meeting yesterday and learned more about our trip details and what the schedule will be like. I don't know why but for some reason I'm really bothered this time about the flight and stuff. I've been scared lately and thinking the worst. I've been on long flights to Spain and Jamaica and have been on mission trips before, but for some reason this time I'm scared. Maybe it's because I have a little one this time that I'm leaving behind. I could use prayer for peace of mind I guess.
Anyway, during our meeting yesterday I learned the place that we are being housed in is called the ELWA center. What I understand it's kinda like what a YMCA would be here. I recognized the name of it from somewhere but couldn't place it. Then Dave said they have a medical clinic there and it hit me...That was the name on the letterhead from Marie's doctor visit! We received her medical papers and that is the place where she was checked out for Malaria and Hepititis! I'm hoping that means where we will be staying is somewhat close to the foster care home :) I'm so excited to hold my babies!!!! I can't wait!!!
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