This will be my last post before I leave for Liberia!!! We will be "Gone" in two days!!! I'm so excited to get to hold my little ones and can't wait to smother them in kisses :) I took my first malaria pill today, we'll see what kind of side effects I have with those. Hopefully none!
There is no new news on the adoption stuff other than, pray for that miracle! The government has not come to any decisions yet. I do know that there is a woman over there right now bringing her child home from the AFAA house though! He has CP and has been needing to come home for almost 2 years now and they finally released him. His mother says he needs medical treatment soon! So praise God they allowed her to come and get him :)
I must admitt, I've been lacking in the faith area these last few days. With the trip getting closer the odds point to no babies coming home, but deep down I still know how powerful God is. I guess I'm just afraid of the answer. I cry out to Him, literally, every day, but I know that sometimes the answer is no. I don't want to put my heart out there in faith and get crushed. I don't want the pain that comes with a no. Complete faith is not doubting and when it comes down to it, I don't have it. We had to memorize the scripture,
"If he asks he should believe and not doubt. He who doubts is a like a wave in the sea thrown and tossed by the wind. He should think he would not receive anything from the Lord. He is a double minded man unstable in all he does." I want to believe and not doubt but it's SO HARD!
Something you can be praying specifically for:
While in Liberia we are meeting with a woman named Eva Morgan. She is second in line ot the president when it comes to making decisions on adoptions. We are to meet with her to share with her what a family goes through and what the adoption process is like in America. Basically to make her aware that not just anyone can adopt, there is a process to "check people out". We will be sharing with her our experiences and sharing with her about AFFA, our agency. Who knows, maybe something she sees in us or something we share will prompt her to allowing us to let our babies come home.
We asked Cheryl what we would need to finalize it all there. She didn't respond for the longest time and after prompting her over and over she said (paraphrased), "It's not going to happen, but just in case, _______, ______, and this much money. That was an open door for Matt :) So we are going prepared with winter clothes, leaving the car seats at my parents, stuff we need to finalize it, and a contact person here in the states in case we need to have $ for a couple extra seats on the plane. So please be praying for our meeting with Eva Morgan. I believe we will meet with her on Friday while we are there. I don't know what day that will be here in the states?
Thank you all for your love and support through all of this! I know I am prayed for and our babies are in good hands because of all your prayers! Can't wait to share with all of you when I get back! I love and will miss the contact with all of you while gone.