The first time we saw the babies! I ran in to see Onah and he screamed cause he was afaid. They don't see white people that often ;)
daddy holding his little girl for the first time! She didn't cry as much :)
mommy's angel! What a sweetie! She's a snuggler!
Onah and his daddy.
We got to feed the babies for the first time :) We put them to bed later too!
Glad to be holding our babies!
sleeping beauty!
This is Theo, a boy at the orphanage who just loves Marie to pieces! He wanted his picture with her ;)
I'm so glad you guys got to meet your babies! I know it had to be extremely tough to leave, but you will be going back soon to bring them home. It was neat to see good pictures and even some video of them. They are absolutely adorable. The Hahn family can't wait to meet them in person!