We had a great turn out despite all the cold weather we had this past weekend! Many friends and family came out to support our adoption as we tried to raise money to continue to support Onah and Marie. As many of you know we pay $450 a month while we wait to bring them home. This money goes to pay the rent on the home they are in, bills for the home (like food, clothes, etc...), and salaries of those that take care of them. God has always provided for us on this journey as I know he will continue to do. We decided to have a fundraiser as we don't know how much longer we will have to pay support. We raised enough money to support the babies through February. I'm hoping we won't have to wait that long :) Anywho, here are some pictures from the fun weekend we had :) If you weren't able to make it out, but would like to help us along on this journey in supporting Onah and Marie, you can send us a donation or make a donation out to AFAA (Americans for African Adoptions) for Matt and Terah Lee.

First place winners that tied with Matt and his partner at 5 seconds!

ahhh! Matt's poor green car smashed to pieces :) I think people really enjoyed smashing it up!

Then you had some rather crazy ones who took the smashing to their heads...literally (don't ask about the outfit, he was a little too eager to wrestle the hog!)

Colten and his teammate Cade made up the team "Wild Hogs" and wrestled a piglet. Colten had lots of practice as the 6 piglets were donated and now live at our house! I don't know if I'll ever get used to the smell of pigs!

Matt and his partner wrestle their hog in 5 seconds! He had lots of practice too...loading and unloading the hogs :)
Colten and Cade wrestling their hog...priceless!
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