He said Marie was very comfortable and sat with him and spent some time in his lap. He said she's still perfecting her walking skills but will be up and going with the big boys soon. It's funny how I can see their little personalities a world away and after meeting them only once. Onah was the same way when we were there. It takes him alwhile to get comfortable with new people. He's my shy one. Marie on the other hand goes with the flow. Dan tried to take pictures of the kids to send to us but the staff would not allow him. They said they were not 'properly dressed' (they like to make sure they are all dolled up in dresses and nice attire if they take pics and like to have their hair done).
There is a team from Suncrest Christian Church going to Liberia at the end of this month as well as two of the men from our church. We have sent in a couple stuffed animals with a note for Onah and Marie as well as a DVD we made for them to watch. We read them some stories, I sang them a song that I played on my guitar, and Colten of course danced for them and showed them some fun playing outside on his rope swing and tree house. We added a picture show to the end so they can see the things we've been up to over the past year, as well as pictures of us with them :) I'm sure they'll be surprised to see themselves on tv!!!
Finally we got some pictures of Onah and Marie's Christmas in Liberia. They look SO big!!!! They don't look like little babies anymore. In Colten's words..."wow, Onah's starting to look like a real son, mom!" He makes me laugh sometimes with the things he says.
This is the only picture where Onah is smiling...Poor little guy! Onah is sitting in the front. He's the one on the right. Marie is sitting as well, she is the one on the left.

Something made the poor little guy mad :)

Look who's still mad and unhappy.

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