Onah 13 mo. old.

Marie 8 months old.
Well, after not hearing anything from a long time, it was nice to get an email with some pictures of our babies! We still have no new word on anything, but at least we can gain some strength to go on and on with these adorable pictures!
The AFAA orphanage must have taken them and sent them via email to Cheryl. As soon as I saw them I cried and cried. Colten didn't really understand what was wrong. I told him that I just miss them cause they are so far away. Then he said, "Oh, like you cried when you were in Liberia and missed me?" Then I think he could understand.
Onah is walking now according to the pictures. He has slimmed down from the chunky boy we saw in February. He is so handsome though! My little prince!
Marie doesn't look like she has changed much. She's still my sweet little girl.
I really was hoping that I would get to see some of the milestones like their first steps, so that hurt a little, but I'm happy for him cause now he has the ability to get out on his own. Before he was dependant on the AFAA workers to get him out of his crib, now he can move around on his own. I don't think they go through a crawling phase in Liberia cause they can't put them on the ground. So they must go straight from crib to walking :)
I'm praying that I get to see Marie's first steps. Last word was that the president was back in the country and supposed to be working out adoption stuff, but you never know how long that will take in Liberia. The WACSN agency that was shut down by the government filed a law suit against the GOL (gov. of Liberia) so their time has been consumed with that alot, and I think I heard WACSN won? Don't know how you do that??? Anyway, I'm praying the ban is lifted soon!!! I miss my babies so much and understand what LONGING is now. I long for them to come home! Hope you like the pics :)
I love the pictures! So glad you got some news. They are both so adorable, Terah. We're praying they come home soon, too!