Look How Old I Am

Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Little Venting

I am beginning to wonder how much more of all of this I can take and that this will never end! Days go by when I can visualize getting a call from AFFA saying we can travel to pick up our babies and then there are those days when everything seems hopeless.
Hearing nothing and being told 'soon' 4 months ago tends to wear on a person. You'd think the 50% of children dying the streets would be enough motivation to want to get bills passed and dossier's done as quickly as possible so you can move children out to be able to help more. The longer they wait the more children suffer. Do they not care?
Not to mention the emotional effect this is having on the children who have been waiting for 2 years to come home! If it is this hard for me as an adult waiting for 1 year, I can't imagine the emotional stress a child would go through for waiting for 2 years! Is this just another 'disappointment' in their eyes? Do they feel unwanted? or do they understand govermental laws and why their moms and dads can't come and get them? Do they feel abandoned for the second time? Why doesn't the government of Liberia get moving and fix this problem? How long will God make us wait?
Driving in the car the other day, Colten started talking about Onah and Marie coming home. He said, "well, I ask God to bring them home, but He won't let them!" Sadly, my vision is blurry so much of the time through this whole process that I often times feel that same way. I feel like I've gone on this journey with God and he stopped walking. I'm finding it hard to find my hope again these days. And it gets frustrating because I want that hope so badly but can't find it.
Boy, this was a really 'Debby Downer' post, but had to get it off my chest.
Praying for good news soon!

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Adoption is when a child grows in it's mommy's heart instead of her tummy