Look How Old I Am

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Please Pray with Me Today!

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Today there will be a meeting in Liberia for agency representatives and governmental officials. Please pray that there will be some hopefull and good news on lifting the moratorium in Liberia. There was rumor that the government was thinking of 'shelfing' the new adoption bill until next year. We have petitioned and pleaded against that. Please petition to our Mighty Lord on our families behalf, as well as the waiting children and other families. In the past 3 months 11 families have had to drop out of the program leaving over 1/2 of the children in our orphanage orphaned yet again. These children could really use your prayers for encouragement and uplifting. Once the moratorium is lifted our agency will be able to again find parents for these children, but they have been advised not to until then, by the government.
We truly appreciate your prayers in this difficult time.

Waiting and praying unceasingly!!


Adoption is when a child grows in it's mommy's heart instead of her tummy