Look How Old I Am

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Merry Christmas Onah and Marie

I heard this song today and it instantly brought tears to my eyes. Thinking of not having our family together yet another Christmas breaks my heart. I pray God holds them extra tight as we celebrate together this Christmas season without them...so tight they can feel our love a world away. I love how music can put into words your exact feelings. Pause the music player at the bottom first before listening to this song.

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Saturday, December 5, 2009


I had a funny story to add quickly....
Colten and I were looking at Onah and Marie's new pictures yesterday. He says, "Mom, can't you just go over there and say, "Please...pretty please...with candy and cool stuff on top?" I had to laugh out loud. If only it were that easy!post divider tag

Friday, December 4, 2009

A Sleeping Beauty and Handsome Boy

Recently a woman traveled to Liberia to escort home 3 children to their forever family and was denied visas for the children. The situation still remains the same as the US Embassy is slowing down the process of children coming home. Steven Harper says he intends on going through and interview process with each and every case concerning the bio. relatives. The Liberian government sees no need for this since this is the exact proceedure that the Liberian ministry of Health will do in each case. Its just another snag and hold up in the adoption process. Many families are very frustrated with our government as they have told us all along when the time comes that they can help (meaning when things open up again) they will support and do all they can for us. That has yet to happen as it is now our government holding up the process and saying there's nothing they can do concerning our government. So basically...there was nothing they could do with the Liberian government and there is nothing they can do with OUR government. Don't buy it!
While Karen was there she took some pics of our sweeties and passed them along to us. Here are some new pics of Onah and Marie.
Onah is 19 months old now. Colten took one look at this picture and said, "He's big enough to sleep in the bunk bed!" Ha! I can tell by the look on Onah's face in this pic that he's still not so sure of white people. Looks like he's found a buddy with Matthew! We did tell Matthew and Theo (another boy in the house) that we were glad Onah and Marie had such wonderful boys keeping and eye out for them ;) He's such a sweet boy!
Ok, so next Colten sees this pic and says, "eehh, she's still little." She might be little but I know one of these days she's gonna go on her first date and he's gonna be so protective of her! :) She's gonna have him wrapped around her little finger! Marie is 15 months old now.

Friday, November 20, 2009


I was reading the children's bill on page 51 section 99.2 and the areas leading up to that. This is exactly what I was afraid of... it seems like Liberia doesn't really want international adoptions to continue so they will make it very difficult for those adopting. I understand they want to protect the children but what I have learned about recently from a family in our agency is not protecting children at all!
Basically, the government wants to be 100% sure that children are true orphans (I agree), they want to explore every option to care for the child before the child is adopted out of the country (I can understand this but if you don't have the means to do this, then how is it effective.)
We have a family who qualified for their children to leave the country. They're court decrees were present before the ban so the president sent them a letter telling them they can proceed with their adoption. They did all the necessary paperwork to complete their adoption and had a friend traveling to Liberia to escort the children home for her to her surprise when she arrived she could not get a visa issued for the 3 children. Why? Our Embassy! I'm thinking..."you've got to be kidding me! Issues on OUR side now?" Our embassy will not issue a visa because they believe the father of these 3 children is not poor enough to provide for his 3 children. This is the OPINION of a man who works for our embassy and has never personally met or visited the home of the father wanting his children to be adopted.
Let me tell you, this man lives in the bush. Literally...here is her story of her travel there and what she experienced
"a small, mud hut, deep in the interior of Liberia. It took us several hours to drive there, the one time I was there, driving across paths, not roads and small bodies of water cover with broken boards as I prayed the car would not break the boards and drop into the water. The hut is so small that at 5' 4" I could not stand in it. Mr. Yanty has many children who are older, he has no work and has had no work for a very long time. When his wife died giving birth to twins, and one died, he placed the youngest child in a very poor orphanage several miles from his hut and we placed that child for adoption. His other children are in total rags, the hut is extremely bad. Mrs. Yanty is deceased. The previous consular officer, Alma Gurski, interviewed the father and required DNA testing which was all clear. The three children have lived with AFAA for several years. They never attended school when living with their father in the very small hut. This is the US Embassy at it's worse. I am sending a copy to several people to ask for help."
So this man at the us embassy has an opinion, what he's basing it on I don't know b/c he's never visited with the father or seen his home. In my own words he's saying,..."suck it up, you CAN care for your three children with no job and no mother. No clean water, no means to feed them or give them medication when they have malaria attacks, no school so no future for your children, they will more than likely then carry on another generation with no hope, but you can do it!" Seriously! Is this helping Liberia and the children?
I'm so afraid for these children! And Onah and marie...will they have the same future of unfortunate children in Libiera because of one man's opinion? Having gone to Liberia and holding babies who are without a doubt in God's hands now because of the extreme poverty and lack of clean water and malaria, is something I don't want to even imagine for these children and Onah and Marie. Who gives this man the right to deny a child a future and LIFE? What gives him the right to tell a parent who cannot care for his child and wants a better future for them to say, "yes you can...I'm not going to allow you to have your children adopted." I would almost expect this from the Liberian government, sad to say, but not ours! UUGGHHH! I'm so disgusted!
Please please pray for these 3 children and all the children. I have met all the children in our program and they each have a special place in my heart. My heart hurts for the family and the 3 children going thruogh this right now. Pray for the situation to be resolved, and the us embassy to release them. Thank you!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Staying Better Informed...

I've found a blog that does a great job at relaying information about Liberian adoptions; however, it's from a different agency. Unfortunately, we've found that our agency is not the best at relaying details and information to families. So we have found this blog of a woman who works for an agency that is great at communication :)
On the side bar you will notice that I have added their blog to a 'blog list'. If you are interested in catching up on news in Liberia you can read it on her blog.
No new news. Looks like nothing will happen till after the holidays as they have not passed the bill and legislators are out till January...Looks like another Christmas without a family reunion. I find myself asking God every day, "How long?" This journey has stretched me, grown me, hurt me, and taught me in so many ways. It's draining and weary, yet I know I'm better for it.
Keep praying! Love, love, love this new scripture I stumbled across...

Exodus 14:14
"The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still"

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


We had a great turn out despite all the cold weather we had this past weekend! Many friends and family came out to support our adoption as we tried to raise money to continue to support Onah and Marie. As many of you know we pay $450 a month while we wait to bring them home. This money goes to pay the rent on the home they are in, bills for the home (like food, clothes, etc...), and salaries of those that take care of them. God has always provided for us on this journey as I know he will continue to do. We decided to have a fundraiser as we don't know how much longer we will have to pay support. We raised enough money to support the babies through February. I'm hoping we won't have to wait that long :) Anywho, here are some pictures from the fun weekend we had :) If you weren't able to make it out, but would like to help us along on this journey in supporting Onah and Marie, you can send us a donation or make a donation out to AFAA (Americans for African Adoptions) for Matt and Terah Lee. First place winners that tied with Matt and his partner at 5 seconds! ahhh! Matt's poor green car smashed to pieces :) I think people really enjoyed smashing it up! Then you had some rather crazy ones who took the smashing to their heads...literally (don't ask about the outfit, he was a little too eager to wrestle the hog!) Colten and his teammate Cade made up the team "Wild Hogs" and wrestled a piglet. Colten had lots of practice as the 6 piglets were donated and now live at our house! I don't know if I'll ever get used to the smell of pigs! Matt and his partner wrestle their hog in 5 seconds! He had lots of practice too...loading and unloading the hogs :)
Colten and Cade wrestling their hog...priceless!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Marie's celebration!

We got some exciting pictures of Marie's celebration at the AFAA house...celebrating her first birthday!!!!
I was so excited to see these pictures and Colten just loves them! We took a measuring tape to him yesterday so he could see how his brother and sister were growing. He just loves them!
Anyway, here are the pics :)

Such a big cake for such a little girl :)

Sharing some cake for Marie's birthday! I just love seeing pictures of them together! Knowing that they have each other there makes me happy :)

She's got some big shoes to fill!!!

I was so happy to see pictures of her first birthday. I didn't get any pictures of Onah's birthday, it's hard not being there, but makes it better when you get to enjoy it through pictures!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

New Pictures....

Well, no news on the ban, but we got some new pictures of the babies today :) It always cheers me up when I get new pictures and get to see them in a new light. Onah of course has his 'surrender' pose down very well!

He is 17 months old now. Onah is 32in. and 22.2 pounds.

Marie is 12 mo. old now. She is using a 'make-shift' walker to get around. Pretty soon she'll be around on her own. However, from this pic it looks like it might be a while. She's wide-legged and doesn't look like a 'pro' at the walker :) Her hair is growing back now as I can see the braids back in :)

Marie is 27in. and 16.6 pounds. Yes, you read correctly! She's a sweet tiny pea! Brings it all into perspective when I think about my sister's baby and my friend's baby who is 3-4 months old and weighing about 15 pounds! She's 12 mo.!!!

One of the nice things about the update we received was they informed us of their heights and weights. So helpful as pictures are very deceiving! Almost unbelievable to me though how tiny they are. I know Marie was tiny when we saw her in Feb. but they just aren't growing big and healthy like I'm used to. After seeing these measurements I SO badly want them home! I know God is taking care of them, but I want to give them more. I'm learning today to be content with God's provision for my children.

I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I do and continue to lift up President Sirleaf in your prayers that she will feel the conviction to lift the ban on adoptions in Liberia before Christmas. It's been almost 10 months since adoptions were put on ban, and it's been the longest 10 mo. of my life! I get butterflies in my stomach thinking about the day we hear that news!

By the way...come out Oct. 17th for our adoption fundraiser 4-7pm at Harvest Christian Fellowship. Hog wrestling, car smashing, with food and laughs and prayer! Email me if you need more info!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Happy 1st birthday Marie!!!! Can't wait to bring you home and celebrate!!! You big brother Colten is dreaming about you tonight and said he's going to dream about flying to Liberia and bringing you some pink and purple balloons. We love you and can't wait till we get to come see you again :)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Praises and Prayer Requests...

Since Matt never writes on our blog I figured I'd cheat the system a little bit and use his words without him knowing it :) He sent out an email today that was very to the point and a good update so I thought I'd post it here...

Praise 1:
Onah and Marie are both doing well. Onah is officially walking (which we kinda knew) and Marie will turn one on August 19th!

Praise 2:
We received word last week from our adoption agency that Hillary Clinton would be meeting with the Liberian President. The AFAA families wrote/faxed letters to Clinton asking her to talk about adoptions while in her meeting. This topic was not on her agenda.

This morning we found out that her office has received all the letters and has given Mrs. Clinton several talking points to discuss adoptions with Liberian President Ellen Sirleaf. BIG PRAISE!!!!

Praise 3:
God is allowing us to be a part of this journey with Him. I was reminded last night at a Mercy Me/Jeremy Camp concert that everything we do is for and about God's glory. We began this journey desiring a closer walk with our Creator and that is exactly what we have gotten. Today and tomorrow will be an even closer walk with Him!!! You are a part of this journey with us!

Prayer 1:
All the people of Liberia!
The Malaria/Wet Season will be drawing to a close soon. The people of Liberia (all of them) could use our prayers for clean water, protection from the elements, food, peace, provision for basic needs. They can also use your prayers that more churches will come alongside us and be a part of the Amazing 80 project!

Prayer 2:
Pray for Hillary Clinton's meeting. We are specifically praying that God will move the Liberian President to open adoptions for all trusted and approved agencies while the other agencies and government workers are investigated. This will allow all the children we have met to come home while openning up spots for other children on the Liberian streets to find hope. We see this as a really big meeting!

Prayer 3:
Pray for Terah and I to give God praise no matter how long we weather the storm! This is not about us and two babies. It is about showing the people around us that God is still on His throne and that He is a mountain mover!!! It's about us learning to trust Him with everything (EVERYTHING) that we are and have!

I can't get the lyrics to one of the songs we heard last night out of my head. Jeremy Camp was talking about all the trials we go through in life. He shared about his wife dying of cancer and how that broken road prepared the way for him to glorify God in a bigger way. I couldn't help but thing about how our journey is preparing us...

"I will walk by faith, even when I cannot see. Well, becuase this broken road, prepares your will for me."

Thanks for lifting these praises and prayers to God! We know that HE is the only one in control!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Pray for Clinton's Visit

Hillary Clinton leaves on the 5th to make a trip to Africa. During her trip she will be visiting Liberia to speak with the president there. We have faxed her as well as the group going along with her, a letter about our adoption and the hold that we are under right now. We also have sent letters to our congressmen to see if there is anything they are able to do.
We made it clear to Clinton that we understand and support why the adoptions are on hold in Liberia, but we have been told several times, personally at one point while there and speaking with government officials, that the government has no problems with our agency and they are not under observation here. (Matter of fact, the government of Liberia continues to place orphaned children that THEY find in our AFAA house.) We have asked Clinton to speak on our behalf as to why adoptions could not be allowed through our agency if there's no problem with them. Also, to help her understand that the longer they take to pass this bill the more children will ultimately suffer because they aren't being given the chance to a new life whatsoever. The children currently being adopted need to move out so that other children who desperately need a home and care can move in.
Please join us in prayer that Clinton will hear our plea and speak to the president about this issue, and that the president will gain understanding from our side and try to hurry up this LONG AND DRAWN OUT process. God is still moving though I cannot see his hand or the outcome! He has a plan, and I trust it.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Mosaic: A New Way Of Thinking...

I know it's long...but please read, I feel this is something that God has laid on my heart and wants you to hear...

I've had a change of perspective. Hopefully I'll be finding my way out of my spiritual funk, and maybe some of you who read my blog will be following? Who knows what my (God's) words speak.
I was asked to do the jr. high group this Sunday as Tom will be out of town. We are studying this book, "It's Not About Me" by Max Lucado. I read it through completely about 3 months ago but, sorry Tom if you're reading this..., haven't picked it back up since then :) Anyway, this week I was forced to study it again, and I realize now that God had something to say to me, really something to remind me.
Since coming back from Liberia, I guess, I've been in a 'funk' you could say. I haven't wanted to do quiet time with God, ok...let me be honest here...I haven't picked up my bible, (with the exception of church and bible study, when we have met) since being back almost 6 months ago. The only time I pray is at night with Colten (cause I have to set a good example) and at dinner time. Even then, it's not really talking to God, It's a 'must do' kinda thing. I'd get frustrated cause I don't like being this way, but had no real reason to fix it, and no drive to get out of it.
I read a chapter titled: "My Struggles Are About Him". Let me tell you some of the things that stuck out to me...
1. A faithful missionary and his wife were kidnapped and while an attempt to rescue them the husband was shot and died, the wife shot in the leg and left a widow with children to raise, a quote in the book stuck out to me, "Is this how God honors his chosen?" Through our journey, I've had the mentality that I'm doing this for God shouldn't we get an extra dose of "God favor" on our journey?

2. Psalms 103:8-11)
"God is sheer mercy and grace; not easily angered, he's rich in love. He doesn't endlessly nag and scold, nor hold grudges forever. He doesn't treat us as our sins deserve, nor pay us back in fulll for our wrongs. As high as heaven is over the earth, so strong is his love to those who fear him.

3. Your pain has a purpose. Your problems, struggles, heartaches, and hassles cooperate toward one end-the glory of God.
Pslam 50:15
"Trust me in your times of trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory."

4. Speaking of the 'cards' you've been dealt by God to reveal his glory, a conversation that might have taken place while God was creating...
"Mary, be a mother to my son."
"Peter, you'll be my first preacher"
"Matthew, the first gospel? It's all your's?"
The God turns to another man, "And You?"
"Yes, Lord?"
"You'll be blind for my glory."
"I'll be blind?"
"For Your glory?"
"But I don't understand?"
"You'll see"
I don't understand the 'cards' God has dealt me lately, but I am reminded it is for a purpose, for his Glory, and I've forgotten that simple fact that I'm not my own, I exist to bring Glory to Him, ALL OF ME, even my struggles.
I first created this blog so I could let God's light shine through our journey and hopefully through our amazing journey people would be drawn to him. This blog was supposed to be a means for you to see that light and I'm sad to say it hasn't been lately.

My favorite quote of all from this chapter reminded me of something I heard at a conference at one time.
Here's the quote from the book, POWERFUL!
This quote reminded me of the beauty of a mosaic. What is a mosaic???
"Broken pieces that form a picture (my life, and yours), but when the light (Jesus) shines through, it is beautiful and people are drawn to it."
We are all a work of art, a beautiful mosaic being formed for God's Glory.

May His light shine through me till this journey comes to an end.

A Little Light...

Well, it's not much but it's something! We learned today that this past week, the minister of Justice was moved to another position in the government of Liberia. This is great news b/c this was the man who refused to sign paperwork when families were finalized and ready to bring home their children. He is against adoptions in Liberia and was a major hold up for families.
Now there is a new woman in his position, who apparently is frustrated with adoptions not going anywhere. This could be good news for our adoption. We'll see how it all plays out. Just thought I'd pass along some positive news to all of you.
Still has nothing to do with the ban being lifted, but is hope that God is working when we can't see it.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Always good to get a Surprise!

We just got back from a week at church camp, with a horse theme wich Matt was excited about! I was hoping the whole week we'd come back and have an awesome message waiting that said the ban had been lifted. That didn't happen, but we did get an email with some pictures of Onah and Marie :) That was a nice surprise.
Better yet, in the pictures they are wearing the clothes we took to them in February when we saw them :)
So now Colten can see his little brother in his hand-me-down clothes!

Good to see a smile back on my little boy's face :)

Bummed to see Marie's hair buzzed off, but it is the rainy hot season. She's probably more comfortable. Isn't that dress so cute!

Don't know what the 'surrender pose' was all about???

Work them legs girl!!! She'll be walking soon I'm sure!

This is an awesome picture of all the kiddos at the AFAA house. It's neat now that we know all the children to get to see them and see how all of them are growing. We not only look for the faces of our little ones but love to see the faces of all the children that we grew to love when we were there! Onah is trying to be such a big boy :) I think he's trying to hold up a peace sign like the older boys :) Good to see them feeling better!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

A Little Scare

This is a picture of Onah that was taken by Karen when she visited. She just got back 3 days ago. She didn't get a picture of Marie since she was in the hospital...please read below...
So I've been waiting to post about this until I got all the information. I was also waiting till I calmed down a bit so you didn't hear me ranting on :)
We have been in contact with a woman we know who just got back from Liberia. While she was there she visited the AFAA house to check in on the children. (This woman is not affiliated with our agency). She contemplated on whether to contact us or not and in the end thought as a mother she would want to know. So we receive an email from her asking us to call her and that she saw our babies and they were really sick.
Immediately I panic! I want to be there, what mom wouldn't want to be there with her babies when they are sick! Luckily Matt talked to Karen cause I cried throughout the whole conversation. The thoughts, "this isn't fair" kept running through my head.
So she tells us the details...Onah has been fighting a malaria attack and thrash (a common rash in Liberia that covers the whole body head to foot). He's lost a lot of weight and is half the baby he once was. Very lethargic and whiney, not smiley like his usual self. She then said, she didn't get to see Marie as she was in the hospital with a Malaria attack. She had been in the hospital for a few days and was ready to be released but the doctors wanted to run more tests.
I go from panic, weepy, to angry! Why did we not know about this? And why are we finding out from someone who 'just happened to visit', remember our children, our number, and contact us? Why is our agency not sharing this information with us and why have we not heard anything come out of Liberia for over a month? I wanted answers! So we emailed our agency with all of our questions. We then emailed our friends in Liberia Dan and Bea (the minister of the church in Monrovia) and asked them if they wouldn't mind checking on our babies.
The next day, not a very restful night of sleep, we receive some answers. Our agency received our message at 3 am and immediately called Liberia to find out what was going on. Oretha told Cheryl the babies were doing better. She said Onah was recovering from the thrash still but doing much better. She attributed his weight loss to getting taller, moving around more, and lack of appetite from his sickness. She said Marie spent 3 days in the hospital from a Malaria attack. She said it was common in Liberia since 100% of the people have Malaria and it is malaria season right now. She said it's normal for them to hospitalize the babies with malaria cause the hospital knows that there is an american who will foot the bill. Which I'm glad they do cause that's one of the number one killers in infants in Liberia...malaria. (Colten hates mosquitos now! We tried to tell him about it and he doesn't understand why God made mosquitos mean :)
Marie is back at the AFAA house and recovering as well. From my research Malaria is like the worst flu ever. You go from hot to freezing cold back and forth, vomitting, loss of appetite, dehydration, etc... Once you have it, you can treat it but not get rid of it. It lays dormant in your body and flares up with 'malaria attacks' where you will treat it again.
I was glad to get answers but never heard an apology about not being informed. That kinda bothered me a little bit, but I know the lady we are working with is a very prideful woman and not one to apologize much, maybe after all this she will start communicating better?
In other good news we also received an email from Dan in Liberia. Here is his reply back to us...
Dear Matthew,

As a matter of fact I was at the home and did see the kids. Marie looks great. She was in class when I arrived in the home. I saw her only when I was on my way out. Onah was sick but is feeling better now. It seems like she has lost a lot of weight, but I think pretty soon she will put on the weight that she lost, as she is looking strong and eating well. As I held her in my hands, she cired the same way she did when you were here. I saw and visited with Oretha , who filled me in on the kids' health. I did not carry my camera, so I did not take their picture. I plan to do so the next time I am there--Bea wants to go with me at that time. We will do whatevr we can to keep you posted.


We were a little confused as to whether or not we were talking about the same children. Marie would not be old enough to be in class. So we think he's thinking of the wrong little girl. There is another little girl there who is a year older than Onah, he might have her confused with Marie. We asked him about that and sent him pictures of Onah and Marie, but haven't heard back from him yet.
It gave me some peace of mind knowing that Dan and Bea had been thinking about our babies and checked in on them right at the right time. We are so blessed to have met them and have their friendship. It's almost like I have someone on the inside who 'has my back' :)

So in all, I'm feeling a little more at ease. Still wish I was there to love them like a mommy should, but one day they'll have so much of that they'll get sick of it :)

One last bit of information that was passed along to us from Karen is that the bill has passed the senate and is with the president now. She is in no hurry however to lift the ban as she has some concrete evidence from the US homeland securty that in fact children from Liberia had been used in child trafficking. She is going through a grueling interveiw process with 300 employees making cuts left and right to get out the 'bad apples'. She was on #10 of 300 when Karen left.
However, like everything else this is conflicting too cause Cheryl says her sources are not reliable and AFAA has not heard any news of this kind. They say the bill is still at the Senate via our contacts in the government. Who knows!!! Only God knows what's going on I guess. Keep sending prayers up with us that the ban will soon be lifted and children can come home to their families who miss and long for them so much.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


There is no news still. I keep waiting every day to hear something, anything, from Liberia and no news comes. I would love to see pictures! It seems that as of lately AFFA has been consumed with Uganda and that's all the news we hear is coming out of Uganda.
I did get an interesting website to follow today, however. If you are interested check it out. http://rutledge6.blogspot.com/
This is a blog from a woman in NC who works with another adoption agency...Addy's Hope who supposedly had be shut down for a while with all the happenings in Liberia. She recently went over to Liberia to speak to gov. officials to pass the bill in the Senate. It was interesting to read but depressing at the same time, cause she stated the reality that we all dread to hear..."The government of Liberia is in no hurry to resolve the issues on adoption in Liberia." Well, that's not what I wanted to hear!!!
I am glad however that someone is doing something to encourage the government. I can't help but become negative and think, "why is our agency not over there?"
Sorry that the no news was good news. My biggest struggle lately has been with Colten. I have been trying to keep myself busy this summer to keep my mind off of it all but it's not really working :) But Colten struggles with not having his brother and sister here. I don't know if I should, but I worry about his relationship with God. Might seem silly he's only 4 but, I don't want him to lose his trust in God at such an early age. When he prays at night he tells me, "God isn't going to bring them home. He won't do it!" His prayers lately have been more yelling at God. It's hard to see him struggle and know that I kinda feel the same somedays but won't say it. A few days ago he said, "God if you don't bring them home right now then I'm going to come up there and spank you and hit you!" Needless to say we've had many talks about respecting God and trusting in Him and his perfect timing which is hard to do when you struggle with the same frustrations :) He's even said in his prayers, "I want you to go and steal Onah and Marie from whoever has them and bring them home right now...I'm serious!" (This will be something we can look back on and just laugh, but for the time being I'm kinda worried.) Any advice from anyone on how to help Colten would be much appreciated. Sometimes I simply like to know that I'm not alone in all this :) Am I thinking too much about it, will it blow over???
Maybe I'll have something positive to write on here soon

Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Little Venting

I am beginning to wonder how much more of all of this I can take and that this will never end! Days go by when I can visualize getting a call from AFFA saying we can travel to pick up our babies and then there are those days when everything seems hopeless.
Hearing nothing and being told 'soon' 4 months ago tends to wear on a person. You'd think the 50% of children dying the streets would be enough motivation to want to get bills passed and dossier's done as quickly as possible so you can move children out to be able to help more. The longer they wait the more children suffer. Do they not care?
Not to mention the emotional effect this is having on the children who have been waiting for 2 years to come home! If it is this hard for me as an adult waiting for 1 year, I can't imagine the emotional stress a child would go through for waiting for 2 years! Is this just another 'disappointment' in their eyes? Do they feel unwanted? or do they understand govermental laws and why their moms and dads can't come and get them? Do they feel abandoned for the second time? Why doesn't the government of Liberia get moving and fix this problem? How long will God make us wait?
Driving in the car the other day, Colten started talking about Onah and Marie coming home. He said, "well, I ask God to bring them home, but He won't let them!" Sadly, my vision is blurry so much of the time through this whole process that I often times feel that same way. I feel like I've gone on this journey with God and he stopped walking. I'm finding it hard to find my hope again these days. And it gets frustrating because I want that hope so badly but can't find it.
Boy, this was a really 'Debby Downer' post, but had to get it off my chest.
Praying for good news soon!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Little News...

We did hear a little news today, not very promising, but it was something. Liberia did pass the adoption bill. It is now waiting for the senate to pass it and then the president will review it and she will have to approve it. So that's where we are.
Our agency said the bill is very vague and confusing. The 4 month clause that we were worried about is part of that vague part. It states that the adopted child will need to stay in 'foster care' for 4 months. We don't know if the foster care at the AFAA house will be good enough for them or if they have to be in the foster care of the adoptive parents for 4 months. AFAA is a licensed foster care home in Liberia. Also if it is the 4 month foster care with parents we don't know if that 4 months will be allowed in the US or have to be a stay in Liberia. Lots of unanswered questions, but the bill is moving.
About a time frame, really no clue. I couldn't understand what time frame she tried to give us. It was very confusing. The goveernment is going through and basically re-doing all the case studies and work on all the children, even if it was done previously, because they want to make sure it was done correctly. So it will take a while unless they change their 'work ethic', which I doubt :).
I keep praying God will hear me say "Uncle" and just pick up those papers and put them in front of the right people and get our babies home. Yesterday was a hard day for Colten and I. He is at that age where he understands time more. He understands and always reminds me that next year is his birthday and what time bible study is. He wants to know when things are happening.
Yesterday he had a rough day and was being very disobediant, after a few fits he asked to call Matt and talk to him. So we called and Matt was busy and didn't answer his cell. Colten had a major melt down. I pulled him over to me and held him for awhile. When I asked him what was wrong he just continued crying. Finally after a few minutes he said, "I'm just sad cause I want Onah and Marie to come home."
I know he's reminded of them alot. Just yesterday we were in Wal-Mart shopping and this little african american boy about Onah's size came up to Colten and was checking out his car he had with him. The little boy kept trying to talk to Colten, you couldn't understand him, and take his car. As he walked away Colten said, "mommy, that looked like Onah. I bet Onah will want to take me car too." I know God's teaching him through all this too, but I don't like to see him hurt like me in this.
So, I ask that you continue to pray for our journey, and that the babies will come home soon (we're shooting for August...Marie's birthday) and that God would give me guidance on how to help Colten better understand and that he would help ease his homesickness from his brother and sister.
Thanks for reading. As always I will keep you all posted...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Got a Little Fix

Onah 13 mo. old.

Marie 8 months old.

Well, after not hearing anything from a long time, it was nice to get an email with some pictures of our babies! We still have no new word on anything, but at least we can gain some strength to go on and on with these adorable pictures!
The AFAA orphanage must have taken them and sent them via email to Cheryl. As soon as I saw them I cried and cried. Colten didn't really understand what was wrong. I told him that I just miss them cause they are so far away. Then he said, "Oh, like you cried when you were in Liberia and missed me?" Then I think he could understand.
Onah is walking now according to the pictures. He has slimmed down from the chunky boy we saw in February. He is so handsome though! My little prince!
Marie doesn't look like she has changed much. She's still my sweet little girl.
I really was hoping that I would get to see some of the milestones like their first steps, so that hurt a little, but I'm happy for him cause now he has the ability to get out on his own. Before he was dependant on the AFAA workers to get him out of his crib, now he can move around on his own. I don't think they go through a crawling phase in Liberia cause they can't put them on the ground. So they must go straight from crib to walking :)
I'm praying that I get to see Marie's first steps. Last word was that the president was back in the country and supposed to be working out adoption stuff, but you never know how long that will take in Liberia. The WACSN agency that was shut down by the government filed a law suit against the GOL (gov. of Liberia) so their time has been consumed with that alot, and I think I heard WACSN won? Don't know how you do that??? Anyway, I'm praying the ban is lifted soon!!! I miss my babies so much and understand what LONGING is now. I long for them to come home! Hope you like the pics :)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Missing my Babies!

The last two days have been hard. I really miss the babies. All day during 'down time' yesterday I had to fight back the tears. I just wanted to be able to say Happy Birthday to Onah. Even to put a phone up to his ear and tell him...something! It just didn't seem right that I couldn't tell him. Then when midnight rolled around and to feel defeated like it's over I missed it! I missed his first birthday, that was hard.
Today didn't help much with the yucky weather! As I sat to do my devotion they were all I could think about. It seems like a million years ago since I held them. I've forgotten so much! Their smell, their squishy diaper, their little fingers wrapped around mine, I've forgotten it all and what it felt like. I miss them so much! I so badly want them home to do the things that mommies should do with their babies. I walk by their room every day and can't help but walk in and take a peek thinking of what it would be like if they filled that room with their laughter, even their crying, I don't care, just to have their presence. I keep picturing the day they are home and how much joy we will have and no more worries. I long for that day. A huge weight will be lifted off my chest.
I watch Colten play with babies and see how awesome of a big brother he is and wish he had that. I know he's going to love being a big brother and wish I could give that to him now. I wish he could play with his brother and sister.
Onah got the perfect birthday card yesterday, it was an airplane birthday card from grandma and papaw Lee and they wrote, "I wish we could fly you home"! Me too!! I will be screaming for joy when that day comes! I can't wait. I hope it's soon! Until then I continue to pray that God moves...VERY SOON! I know he won't give me more than I can handle, but I think I'm getting to my max here!


Onah is 1 years old! Happy birthday big boy! Mommy misses you so much and wishes you were here to celebrate! We will definitely celebrate when you come home!
Love you lots!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Bad News...

I can tell it's just going to be one of those bad days. I didn't want to get out of bed when Matt woke me this morning to tell me the news. I can't begin to describe to you how ANGRY I am with the GOL (government of Liberia). I absolutely cannot tolerate UNICEF, who claims to help children but hurts more than they help, and has been nothing but problems to the children of Libiera. I heard last night in bible study the phrase: wiifm...that's what UNICEF is all about (what's in it for me). I know I'm rambling you just want to know why, a bill was passed yesterday in the house in Liberia. It was the Child's Bill. While some of the things discussed in the bill will be awesome for the chidren and help the future of the children in Liberia, some of the things were downright ingnorant and will "sign the death certificates of many children in Liberia", as the words of the director of our agency states. The GOL doesn't understand that the first step has to be they need to take off their blinders and go beyond their thick fancy doors to see their country and have a heart to help first and foremost! They are on a paradise island in a starving and hurting country. They need to help their people instead of look out for themselves...wiifm!
In the bill, pertaining to adoption, they passed a law that adoptive families will need to stay in the country for 4 MONTHS to finalize the adoption. I don't know what they ar thinking! Who in our country's condition, can leave their family, job, and home for 4 months and be expected to come back have a job, and a home to support children they just adopted? I wonder where they get these people? I've been to Liberia, I know what it's like. Where will people live? You'd have to build a home to live there for 4 months! The hotels there are between 100-300 dollars a night! A person without a job can't afford that for 4 months! It's just absolutely obserd! They have no jobs to offer their own people let alone someone coming in to live for 4 months! I don't know what to think about all of this. I'm still in the shock mode...which is why this email might seem all random.
I keep praying to see God do something HUGE here, and keep wondering when that's going to happen. Hopelessness sets in almost every day, and I don't know how much more I can take. Cheryl had said to the ministry of social welfare that she would need to know where the government was going to place the children when this bill is put into action because there is no way families can make this happen. I CAN'T give up my children! It will just rip my heart right out! They can't expect us to just roll over and give them up!
It comes across to me that the GOL does not want adoptions in their country. I know that UNICEF had a huge part in passing the bill and putting many of the stipulations into it. From the beginning of this whole issue they have not been in favor of adoptions there because the more adoptions Liberia has the more chidren they lose to help. Which you would think this would be a good thing! But the more children they lose to help the less money they get to fund their efforts. They have threatened to pull out of the country if this happens which forces the GOL to do something about it. UNICEF might be able to feed the starving children, but how can they give them an education? How can they give them a home? How can they give them the constant love of a mother and father? They can't! And they are stripping that hope away from the children of Liberia.
I don't know what God has in store through all this but I'm so confused right now I don't know what ends up anymore. Our only hope is that the President of Liberia is wise enough to see that this won't work and will decline the bill. Please Please pray for the president to make a wise decision and to seek God's will. I know she is a God-fearing woman...I just pray she consults Him first, and makes the right decision. Pray for Matt and I as we have many unwanted emotions right now, and pray for Onah and Marie and what the future might hold for them.
I really hope today gets better...maybe the sun will come out?

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Trouble Stirring in Liberia

Apparently there has been a major storm brewing up in Liberia concerning adoptions. WACSN is an organization that has been highly investigated by the Gov. Of Liberia. They had been told to suspend all activity concerning adoptions in January and since has released 3 children to parents in the US. They are believed to have connections in the government and pay to have children released...hence the child trafficking. Apparently there are US parents over there right now trying to persuade to bring their children home illegally. This just makes me sick! After all the right we are trying to do and waiting to do it the right way and ignorant people try to use their power and make the wait longer for us all...it's so frustrating! And they don't get the point that it's ILLEGAL!!!
You can read the clips to see details of what ensued the last few days. Long story short...Police went in to invaid the property and remove 37 children and return them to their homes and were stopped after fighting and words were shared. Government officials showed up (obviously the dirty ones) to stop the police. The police left without any children. Later in the week several government officials (the good ones) returned with police force and removed 36 children from the WACSN facility and placed them in another orphanage. Apparently the children were happy to leave???
I don't know what this means for us. It could mean we are headed in the direction of getting this all figured out, or it could mean that they just made the wait longer for all of us.
Please please pray! We just want our babies home! We wait for good news every day and we get this. I just want it all to end soon! The roller coaster is draining.
This is a clip from a newspaper article in Liberia over what has happened the last few weeks...
Newspaper Summary
36 Children Held Hostage - Rescue Ends in Fracas, Says Local Daily
(New Democrat)

o [SIC] The New Democrat newspaper reports that 36 children between the ages
of 3 to 7 are virtually held hostage at an orphanage on the Old Road run by
the West African Support Community Network (WASCN). An attempt by the Save
the Children-Liberia Department of Social Welfare and the Don Bosco Homes to
rescue the children was met with stiff resistance and threats of violence
allegedly with the support of some top government officials. In an interview,
Dominic Fratz of Save the Children-Liberia said he was shocked to see the high
level of political intervention in a case that involves the safety of children.
He said they were ordered to intervene because WACSN was acting against the
law. Ms. Lydia Sherman, Senior Coordinator of the Social Services at the
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare who headed the team expressed
disappointment over the incident and said the children will=2 0be rescued at all cost. The
group was banned in January by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare
from engaging in inter-country adoption of Liberian children after it tried to
send three children to the United States without proper documentation.

and a few days later...

Police re-inforcement at the WACSN Home on the Old Road in Sinkor
Photo by Lucky Buckay
Gov't Takes over WACSN âEUR~OrphansâEURTM
WACSN Operator to Face the Law

Published: 27 March, 2009
MONROVIA,At least 37 children who had been kept at a home on Old Road by
West African Children Support Network (WACSN) were removed by the Liberia
National Police (LNP) Thursday on orders of the Ministry of Health (MOH) which
found the group operating WACSN allegedly engaged in child trafficking.
  Community people told this paper that a team of MOH officials and a few
police officers were seen first entering the fenced-in house to take away
the children, many of them between six and seven years. Eyewitnesses added that
WACSN guards put up stiff resistance and that it took additional police
re-enforcement to have the gatemen removed and the house invaded.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


This week has been much easier. I've yet to cry and it's Tuesday! :) We got a message from Danny Beugar in Liberia. He is the minister that we worked with. He went with us to visit the babies in the AFAA house. He said it was rather close to his house. I think he hurt with us when we had to leave the babies behind. He told us that he and his wife would check in on them every once in a while for us.
Well, we got a message from him today that said he and his wife are going to find a time this week to go over and visit with them so he can update us on anything new and tell us all about the babes! Just knowing that someone else that we trust and know personally there is watching over my babies and keeping me informed on all the little things...are they crawling, saying any words??? Makes me feel so comforted! I thank God for Dan and Bea...this was part of His purpose for our trip.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

13 months Pregnant!!!!

Funny side note...as I was looking at my blog I noticed my favorite quote..."Adoption is when a baby grows in a mommy's heart instead of her belly."
Well, if that's the case...I'm 13 months pregnant!!!

VERY PAINFUL but a different kind of pain...

Missing my Babies!

So, it's been 3 weeks and I'm ready to spill the beans. It's not been easy...it was just as I imagined it to be but 100 times harder! Now I know what I'm missing so it doesn't make it any easier to wait.
I have to confess something to all of you...I did not do what I promised God I would. I promised I would praise him in the storm even if things didn't go my way. I failed to do that. I have been spending the last 3 weeks feeling sorry for myself and not praising God. I came back from Liberia upset with God as if he'd let me down. I am slowly coming out behind this black cloud and learning how to praise God even when I don't feel like it.
I was taken back to the beginning of this whole journey where I was reminded that I need to long more for the Savior than my children, and I am a far cry from that right now! I have not been longing for the Savior the way I long for my children.
There hasn't been a day that goes by that I don't cry for my children, but I'm reminded that in James God tells us that "the testing of your faith develops perserverence. Perseverence must finish it's work in you so you can be mature and complete not lacking anything." I can't wait till I'm complete and this can all be over with! :)
We were able to visit the babies 3 times while we were there. The first time they cried. Onah alot more than Marie. She's my laid back little girl! Every time Onah would see a Liberian he would cry. Marie just loved to snuggle and suck her thumb!
We let them listen to a message from their big brother Colten that they couldn't really hear cause Onah was crying too hard :) and gave them their photo books which they loved to chew on.
Marie ended up falling asleep and Onah was holding her hand! It was the most precious thing ever! To think that they now have each other where before they didn't that's pretty cool to think about...at least to me.
The first visit was only a couple of hours but the next time we were able to go back we were dropped off and left there for the entire evening! They didn't cry when we came into their room and picked them up and they were very curious about Matt's facial hair! We even got Onah on video watching the boys play soccer! Here he is telling them to kick it...(ignore the high pitched excited momma's voice on the camera...and you'll have to stop the music at the bottom to hear it.)

It was so neat to see them giggle and jabber. We got some video footage of them as well that Colten loves to watch. That night we were able to feed them bottles and put them to bed. They fell asleep in our arms...well Marie did...Onah stayed up with his daddy watching a movie with all the other kids.
The final day was hard. We knew by this time it was evident that we weren't taking our children home. We got to the AFAA house at about 8:30 and planned on spending most of the day with them till our plane had to leave. Oretha had called and said she didn't get a meeting with Eva Morgan but she did get a meeting with the minister of Social Welfare, glorified name for case worker. We left the house and went to meet her and basically got blown off. She didn't have time to talk and stood in the hallway telling us there was nothing she could do. She told us there was a baby dying and wouldn't make it home but he wasn't going anywhere...just like that...no emotions about dying children...I wanted to blow up right there and ask if they had no compassion, but I didn't. I kept quiet and let my husband do all the talking...which he was great at. We basically wanted to let her know that she could still do case studies through the ban that way when it opens up things would move much faster, but she was not willing. We told her we understood about all the corruption but thought it was unfair that good agencies like AFAA were being lumped into all the corruption. I don't think she understood us cause she didn't really respond to that.
She did tell us that what s holding up the ban is that basically two parties are arguing over how long adoptive families should have to stay in Liberia when getting their children. One party says 3 months (which is crazy thinking that we could leave our families and jobs for that amount of time and expect to come back and have a means to support our families) the other party sees that as rediculous and says 10 days is long enough. She said once that's settled the ban will be lifted and it should be soon, but in Liberia who knows how long soon is???
We met with Bob Z. a liberian governor on Sunday. We gave him all of our information from our agency and he said he would see if there was anything he could do to help us but not to get our hopes up. In Liberia you are looked at as corrupt if you go in and try to go over officials heads to get things done. It will appear that we paid him to do this and he's making money off our situation, so he wasn't going to make any promises. He agreed that it wasn't fair for AFAA to be lumped in with all the corruption.
We were able to go back for about 45 minutes and spend a little more time with the babies before we had to say goodbye. When it was time to say goodbye I couldn't let go of them. It was the longest goodbye ever. I couldn't stop kissing them...I hope they remember me. I laid them down in their beds for the last time and gave them one last long kiss before walking out the door not being able to control the tears.
So we left the country without our babies and hope to return soon! Keep praying and until then enjoy the pictures that we have for now and the video of my sweet baby boy!
Since back we found that Oretha had called Cheryl very upset because she felt like she had let us down. She said that Oretha knew we weren't happy when we left, mainly because I was crying, and asked Cheryl to tell her she was deeply sorry. I know she loves my babies and I know she wants them home with us, I pray God delivers them soon!

Treasured Memories

To my precious babies, Onah and Marie:

I miss you so much!!! Much much more than you'll ever know I'm sure! We met you for the first time 3 weeks ago, and I can still feel you in my arms! I can feel your soft skin on my lips. I wanted to write this and let you know how much I love you and what I learned about you the first time we met!
Onah, you are a little fighter! You were so terrified of mommy and daddy. The first time I held you, you just cried and cried. You soon learned though that I loved you and the crying stopped. Marie, you were such a little sweet pea. I always heard people come back and say you are so small and you are such a little 'sweet pea' and I found for myself that is what you are!
When mommy and daddy held you, you just snuggled right in and listened to our heart beat. Marie you love to suck your thumb! Just like your big brother...Colten that is :) You loved to chew on your picture book that mommy and daddy made for you!
We were able to come and visit you 3 times while we were in Liberia on our mission trip. Mommy wished she could come every day but we were busy helping the people who needed us. We hope that one day you will have the amount of love for Liberia as we do and will help the hurting people who need Jesus' love.
One night we were able to feed you your bottles and put you to bed. Onah you scarfed yours down!!! You had milk all over your face,...it was pretty cute! Marie, you were as content as could be in mommy's arms. You fell asleep drinking your bottle and mommy had to wake you up so you'd finish it. Mommy got you in your pj's and snuggled up with you! You fell asleep in my arms and I tucked you into bed. Do you remember me singing to you? I sang one of Colten's favorite songs: "The rocking horse song".
Onah stayed up like a night owl with daddy watching the tv with all the other kids! He's going to be a daddy's boy just like Colten!
The day we left was hard for mommy. I know that God will reunite us soon and all this hurt will be a thing of the past. I can't wait for the day I get to come and get you and bring you home forever! I covered you in kisses, probably enough to last you till I can come and get you! I hope you know you are loved and missed greatly! I long for the day I get to see you again, but until then lots more kisses sent from me to you! Love you so much and treasuring the memories we made!

Treasured Memories

Friday, February 27, 2009

Pics of US and OUR BABIES!!!!

The first time we saw the babies! I ran in to see Onah and he screamed cause he was afaid. They don't see white people that often ;)

daddy holding his little girl for the first time! She didn't cry as much :)

mommy's angel! What a sweetie! She's a snuggler!

Onah and his daddy.

We got to feed the babies for the first time :) We put them to bed later too!

Glad to be holding our babies!

sleeping beauty!

This is Theo, a boy at the orphanage who just loves Marie to pieces! He wanted his picture with her ;)

Thursday, February 12, 2009


This will be my last post before I leave for Liberia!!! We will be "Gone" in two days!!! I'm so excited to get to hold my little ones and can't wait to smother them in kisses :) I took my first malaria pill today, we'll see what kind of side effects I have with those. Hopefully none!
There is no new news on the adoption stuff other than, pray for that miracle! The government has not come to any decisions yet. I do know that there is a woman over there right now bringing her child home from the AFAA house though! He has CP and has been needing to come home for almost 2 years now and they finally released him. His mother says he needs medical treatment soon! So praise God they allowed her to come and get him :)
I must admitt, I've been lacking in the faith area these last few days. With the trip getting closer the odds point to no babies coming home, but deep down I still know how powerful God is. I guess I'm just afraid of the answer. I cry out to Him, literally, every day, but I know that sometimes the answer is no. I don't want to put my heart out there in faith and get crushed. I don't want the pain that comes with a no. Complete faith is not doubting and when it comes down to it, I don't have it. We had to memorize the scripture, "If he asks he should believe and not doubt. He who doubts is a like a wave in the sea thrown and tossed by the wind. He should think he would not receive anything from the Lord. He is a double minded man unstable in all he does." I want to believe and not doubt but it's SO HARD!

Something you can be praying specifically for:
While in Liberia we are meeting with a woman named Eva Morgan. She is second in line ot the president when it comes to making decisions on adoptions. We are to meet with her to share with her what a family goes through and what the adoption process is like in America. Basically to make her aware that not just anyone can adopt, there is a process to "check people out". We will be sharing with her our experiences and sharing with her about AFFA, our agency. Who knows, maybe something she sees in us or something we share will prompt her to allowing us to let our babies come home.
We asked Cheryl what we would need to finalize it all there. She didn't respond for the longest time and after prompting her over and over she said (paraphrased), "It's not going to happen, but just in case, _______, ______, and this much money. That was an open door for Matt :) So we are going prepared with winter clothes, leaving the car seats at my parents, stuff we need to finalize it, and a contact person here in the states in case we need to have $ for a couple extra seats on the plane. So please be praying for our meeting with Eva Morgan. I believe we will meet with her on Friday while we are there. I don't know what day that will be here in the states?
Thank you all for your love and support through all of this! I know I am prayed for and our babies are in good hands because of all your prayers! Can't wait to share with all of you when I get back! I love and will miss the contact with all of you while gone.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


On Friday we received more updates that I thought I would pass along to all of you. I will try and keep you all posted when I find out more! We are trusting in God and we continue in our Faith that He is in control, of all our children, not man.
Here is what our agency had to say on Friday afternoon. Be praying as the Liberian government will be meeting this next week concerning adoptions in their country. Please pray that decisions and changes will be made this week!!!
I was finally able to get through to Oretha a short time ago. What she has heard is:
* The adoption committee is supposed to be meeting with the President next week. * This does not automatically mean the President will issue an order about adoption next week - all we can do is hope and pray that she does and decisions/changes, etc., are very fair to families and children.
* The rumor in Liberia is that children already in agency foster homes will be allowed to have their adoptions completed and to leave Liberia.
* Future adoptions will be scrutinized much more carefully.
* The President reportedly wants international adoption to be the last possibility for Liberian children so it sounds like adoptions will be limited in the future.
As always, when I know more I will let families know.

We received another email from our agency stating that when they talked to Oretha, the "mother" in charge of the foster home in Liberia, Oretha had told them that she wanted us to take us to meet as many Liberian government officials as possible. I don't know what this means, or what we will be meeting with them about, but it's an opportunity to share with them our hearts, desires, and our God's love! So you can be praying for us to have the words to say to them all :)

Friday, January 30, 2009

What a Week!!!

This week has been so emotional! From high's to low's! It's all good though, cause I know I'm not alone in all this! I have a cool story to share with all of you...
The lady who took our babes pics is named Karen. I emailed her and asked a ton of questions as you can imagine about how the babes were doing. She replied back with, "Onah is a chunk, but a cutie! He is a special boy and stole my heart. I held him most of the time I was there. What a precious boy! Marie is so tiny, and a little sweetheart."
She said something in her email that kinda struck me. She told me that Ophelia, Onah's mother still vistis him religiously every Sunday. She said she got to meet her, and that she is good friends with her adopted children's bio. grandmother. I didn't know what to think about his at first, but then I realized this was God giving me some understanding. You see the day before I had asked God why? I had asked him to give me understanding about his timing. Now, I don't know what God has to say, all I know is what I feel in my heart and what I believe is Him talking to me...faith, you know! (This is a Journey of Faith after all!)
So, I started thinking, "Liberia is the best place for Onah right now! This is why God's timing is the way it is. Onah's mother's love for him is apparent! She can't afford to take care of him and give him the medication he needs to live so she knew the best thing for her son would be to give him up. How hard that must have been for her! She has gone through the process, but I don't know if she has 'let him go' yet. All of my disappointments in the last few days can't compare to the pain she must feel each day! How she must treasure that time with him every Sunday! I can't imagine having to give up my Colten because I couldn't give him what he needed! That would be so hard and I don't know if I could do it even if that is what was best for him? So, God gave me some insight and made me feel a little selfish actually! Onah's mother still needs him right now, and when the time is right, she will be able to let go.
The other interesting thing I found was in my mission journal yesterday. We were asked to pray for God to bring someone to us on our trip in Liberia who we could be of encouragement to. I'm beginning to think that part of the reason I'm going on this trip is for this reason! I don't know if I will or not, but what if I meet Onah's mother? There's a very good chance! What will I say? How awkward will that be? I know the Holy Spirit will lead me in what I say and do. I can't help but think, this is why I'm going. Maybe my purpose is to offer encouragement, peace, and God's love with my son's bio. mother! How cool would it be to raise Onah in God's love, raising him up into salvation and being able to share with him that his mother would be in heaven with him someday! I think that would be pretty amazing! God's timing is perfect and if we ask for understanding He will give generously to all without finding fault! James 1:2-8
Pray that I will have the words to say to Ophelia, Onah's mother, and that I can offer her peace, comfort, love, or anything she is needing.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Just When I Get Down....

This always seems to be the case that when things get rocky and I'm missing the babies and feel like hope is gone, I'm uplifted by a message or something from the babies! We received a message today from a woman who just got back from Liberia. I had no idea anyone was even going!!! She sent us some new pictures of the babies! I'll quit typing so you can see them!!!

5 months old!!! WOW!!! I she's sitting up already! Time flies by! Isn't she so beautiful! On her medical reports the doc. said there looked like there was some crossing in her eyes, but I don't see it here. It must have fixed itself. Sometimes when babies are little they do look a little cross eyed?

Onah is getting so big too! I asked the woman if he was crawling yet. I heard he was getting a bunch of teeth. I had so many questions for her!

Do you see what I saw????? A daughter of mine...and ears pierced??? I need help! I thought I'd need help with hair, but now it's a different story. For those of you who know me, you know that I don't wear jewlry at all and having to touch earrings grosses me out! I'm gonna have to get over my fears or let them grow back? YIKES!

He's got quite the belly! A lot like another little boy I know! This means he'll fit well into Colten's old clothes. Big belly and little legs!
I can't wait to see them in just a few days!!!! While looking at the pictures we saw a new little baby there at the orphanage! Don't worry! We're not getting a third one!!! I think this one must already have a family. But he was so cute! He was only 2 DAYS OLD!!! He did not look happy in the pictures. He was screaming :)

Well this really lifted my spirits and got me excited about seeing them! Hope they brought a smile to all of you as well!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

God's Timing is Perfect, but Hard to Swallow

Excerpt from the President of Liberia's State of the Union Address delivered
last night.
The gross mismanagement of the adoption program (which aims primarily at
placing orphans in homes in the United States), by both Liberian and U.S.
personnel in the concerned NGO is the subject of a report by a Special Committee
which I appointed for this purpose. Essentially, we have discovered that many
of the children in these orphanages are not in fact orphans but children taken
from their living parents on the promise of support and a good life in
America. Moreover, we found that young children were being sexually abused at some
of these orphanages, while others including officials of government, have
used the program to extort money from potential adoptors. We have thus
suspended the adoption program until laws, policies and proper guidelines have been
established and we have asked our concerned friends and partners in the United
States to be patient as we try to correct the serious malpractices which
exist. We expect the National Social Welfare Policy and National Adoption Act
which will be submitted to you during the course of the year, will provide
guidance and prevent such abuses in the future.

This was the news that we woke up to this morning, only 17 days before we leave for Liberia. As of right now, many adoption agencies are being shut down completely and children returning to their parents and/or orphanages. Our agency is one of the few that is actually liscensed in the US and Liberia and WILL NOT BE SHUT DOWN, but adoptions are currently suspended until they get this all worked out.
This is very upsetting to me cause I SO BADLY long for my babies to be home here in my arms but as much as I'm hurt by this I can't imagine all the children going through this turmoil! Imagine, being told you have a mommy and daddy waiting in America to come and pick you up and all of a sudden being taken back to an orphanage and being told it's not going to happen!!! As much as I would love to have your prayers over this situation, I think these children need it more!
I have always said, "God just give me a miracle! Bring my babies home in February. But if you don't I will still praise you. I trust your timing." I guess I wasn't thinking of how hard that would be. I do trust in God and his timing, but it's just so hard to take! I guess He said His timing is best, not easy. I know there's a reason for all of this. I know that right now for some reason our babies are supposed to be in Liberia. I can't understand it and I would love to know why, but I also know that God is in control, and that's the best place for them right now otherwise they would be here. I know in His time we will have our babies in our arms and it will be the PERFECT time. Until then, we'll wait, pray, and have hope that our Father will unite us all as a family soon.
Please remember to pray for those children who are abandoned all over again, and those families whose hopes are crushed here in America. Pray for our babies and that we can be at peace with our situation. And finally please pray that God will be in control of the government in Liberia and will move mountains so children can come home to their families. Thank you!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Colten and Marie

Colten has taken a liking to his little sister. Sometimes at night when he's scared he likes to ask God to come and snuggle him so he won't be afraid. Well, one day this past week I was washing Colten's blanket and it wasn't dry for his nap. So I told him he could pick out another blanket to take a nap with. He wanted to pick one of Onah and Marie's blankets. So we went upstairs to their cribs and he picked one of Marie's blankets.
He covered up with it which led to a discussion of, "what will happen if Marie's blankie is being washed and she has to take a nap?" So I told him that he'd have to be a good big brother and tell her it was okay and mommy washes his blanket all the time and he always gets it back and it smells so good! That seemed to end the discussion with a huge smile and he went to sleep. When he woke up he came downstairs and said the sweetest thing! He said, "Mommy I slept with Marie for my nap today. I snuggled her the whole time! And she didn't cry!"
That night he found a little black baby doll that Sam had found at a yard sale. He said it looked like Marie. He covered her up and slept with her that night. Now every night he sleeps with that baby doll and says he is going to snuggle Marie, Onah, and God. Quite the crowded bed! He prayed that God would help Sam find his an Onah baby...we'll see if that one gets answered :) He's going to be such a good big brother!!!!
I snuck this picture while he was sleeping the other night.

In other news...4 more weeks and 5 days till we leave for Liberia! We had a team meeting yesterday and learned more about our trip details and what the schedule will be like. I don't know why but for some reason I'm really bothered this time about the flight and stuff. I've been scared lately and thinking the worst. I've been on long flights to Spain and Jamaica and have been on mission trips before, but for some reason this time I'm scared. Maybe it's because I have a little one this time that I'm leaving behind. I could use prayer for peace of mind I guess.
Anyway, during our meeting yesterday I learned the place that we are being housed in is called the ELWA center. What I understand it's kinda like what a YMCA would be here. I recognized the name of it from somewhere but couldn't place it. Then Dave said they have a medical clinic there and it hit me...That was the name on the letterhead from Marie's doctor visit! We received her medical papers and that is the place where she was checked out for Malaria and Hepititis! I'm hoping that means where we will be staying is somewhat close to the foster care home :) I'm so excited to hold my babies!!!! I can't wait!!!


Adoption is when a child grows in it's mommy's heart instead of her tummy