Look How Old I Am

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

God's Timing is Perfect, but Hard to Swallow

Excerpt from the President of Liberia's State of the Union Address delivered
last night.
The gross mismanagement of the adoption program (which aims primarily at
placing orphans in homes in the United States), by both Liberian and U.S.
personnel in the concerned NGO is the subject of a report by a Special Committee
which I appointed for this purpose. Essentially, we have discovered that many
of the children in these orphanages are not in fact orphans but children taken
from their living parents on the promise of support and a good life in
America. Moreover, we found that young children were being sexually abused at some
of these orphanages, while others including officials of government, have
used the program to extort money from potential adoptors. We have thus
suspended the adoption program until laws, policies and proper guidelines have been
established and we have asked our concerned friends and partners in the United
States to be patient as we try to correct the serious malpractices which
exist. We expect the National Social Welfare Policy and National Adoption Act
which will be submitted to you during the course of the year, will provide
guidance and prevent such abuses in the future.

This was the news that we woke up to this morning, only 17 days before we leave for Liberia. As of right now, many adoption agencies are being shut down completely and children returning to their parents and/or orphanages. Our agency is one of the few that is actually liscensed in the US and Liberia and WILL NOT BE SHUT DOWN, but adoptions are currently suspended until they get this all worked out.
This is very upsetting to me cause I SO BADLY long for my babies to be home here in my arms but as much as I'm hurt by this I can't imagine all the children going through this turmoil! Imagine, being told you have a mommy and daddy waiting in America to come and pick you up and all of a sudden being taken back to an orphanage and being told it's not going to happen!!! As much as I would love to have your prayers over this situation, I think these children need it more!
I have always said, "God just give me a miracle! Bring my babies home in February. But if you don't I will still praise you. I trust your timing." I guess I wasn't thinking of how hard that would be. I do trust in God and his timing, but it's just so hard to take! I guess He said His timing is best, not easy. I know there's a reason for all of this. I know that right now for some reason our babies are supposed to be in Liberia. I can't understand it and I would love to know why, but I also know that God is in control, and that's the best place for them right now otherwise they would be here. I know in His time we will have our babies in our arms and it will be the PERFECT time. Until then, we'll wait, pray, and have hope that our Father will unite us all as a family soon.
Please remember to pray for those children who are abandoned all over again, and those families whose hopes are crushed here in America. Pray for our babies and that we can be at peace with our situation. And finally please pray that God will be in control of the government in Liberia and will move mountains so children can come home to their families. Thank you!

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Adoption is when a child grows in it's mommy's heart instead of her tummy